随时随地    智能通行



全高转闸首要分全高转闸 半高转闸 然后就有分单向转闸 90°转闸 120°转闸等等.

All high switch

Full-height switching gate is mainly divided into full-height switching gate and semi-high switching gate, then there are sub-one-way switching gate 90 degree switching gate 120 degree switching gate and so on.


转闸适用于严厉的操操控区,可有用避免攀爬,钻越。通行人员在经过转闸时, 受办理权限操控的转闸能够回绝没有权限的人员进入,如经过权限答应经过,转闸会主动放行。 通行速度约每分钟可30-40人。

Characteristics of full height switch

The switch is suitable for severe operation and control area, and can be used to avoid climbing and drilling. When passers-by pass through the switch, the switch controlled by handling authority can reject the entry of persons without authority. If the switch is allowed to pass through, the switch will be released on its own initiative. The speed is about 30-40 per minute.



Application scope of full height switch.

Primary habitual places for switching include prisons, military zones, and factories (such as chemical plants, construction sites, etc.) with very strict access control. The mechanical part of the equipment includes a pressing control equipment, when the power is off, the center arm can roll freely to ensure that the channel is clear; when power is on, actively lock. SAB101 has as many as 11 different equipments, can be applied to all construction environments, and can handle all pedestrian access control problems, can always control the brake is locked or unlocked, up to 20 signal interface, convenient for users to expand functions.










-电源供给:单相 AC220V, 3A, 50/60Hz。

-操控电压:DC24V,耗费: 45W。

-电磁:duty cycle 100%。

-减震器:液压 。





The characteristics of full height switch are:

1. Stainless steel full rain proof box, new and beautiful.

2. A personalized device interface (such as card reader, indicator device, etc.) ensures that the system integrator's control brake device is simple and convenient.

3. The movement of the turning brake has an active adjusting hydraulic shock absorber. When the turning brake is used, the sound is very small, no impact, and the brake rod reduces back to the middle. The surface of the movement is plated with yellow bichromate.

4, programmable gate control, one or two directions control (set by users).

5. The base is fixed with expansion bolts.

Full height transfer parameters:

Power supply: single phase AC220V, 3A, 50/60Hz.

- control voltage: DC24V, cost: 45W.

- Electromagnetic: duty cycle 100%.

- shock absorber: hydraulic.

- working environment temperature: -20 C ~60 C.

- moderate working environment: 0~95%RH (no condensation).

Net weight: 250kg.

- protection level: IP45.







Full height switch control interface:

Ten trunk contacts (domain level) control signal input to the direction of entry and exit electromagnets (domain motors) and legal signal lights for control.

Ten way dry contact (field level) condition input controls illegal signal lights.

One way to control the full height cross gate is in constant open condition.

The road control of the full height cross gate is in a normally closed condition.

The output signal of the two way bump level gate is counted.







5、监狱专用全高转闸机芯:此款机芯是在全主动静音转闸转闸的基础上,选用最新的ARM操控技能,选用15度 防反转组织,能完结快速、安全、安稳运转。由于监狱职业的共同性质,对全高转闸要求特别高,需求处理一人授权,多人通行;或正向授权通行,反向强行通行等问题。长处:运转过程中无噪音,运转平稳,无机械磨损,运用寿命长,15度防反转、防强行反向闯入功用。缺陷:本钱高;(典型运用:90度单通道全高转闸,90度双通道或多通道全高转闸)

Full height gate brake core:

1. Mechanical Simple Electromagnet Switch Mould: This Mould is Simple and Easy to Use, Simple Function, Defects: High Mechanical Noise; (Typical Use: ZMM838 Cross Switch)

2. Mechanical anti-reversal switch movement: This movement is improved on the basis of simple electromagnet movement, can complete anti-reversal, buffer function; Defects: Short mechanical life (typical use: ZMM838 switch)

3. Generally all-active turning brake: This kind of machine is finished by choosing the combination of motor and special-shaped groove wheel organization. When passing, it rotates forward actively and must have a certain point of view. People touch the brake rod lightly. Its advantages are novelty, defect: high mechanical wear, short service life, high mechanical noise, chaotic moving parts, and troublesome protection. The first fully active machine screened by the industry is an immature product; (typical use: none).

4. Fully Active Mute Switch Mould: This Mould is a brand-new product, which is based on the high-speed switch of the main stream abroad, chooses the latest ARM control skills, and uses the industrial-level control method to complete the operation process. The whole product is very stable when starting and stopping, and can finish the brake lock quickly. It is a profession. The first silent switch with multi-channel and multi-stage sensors is the first one that has been successfully used and equipped in many prisons. It has the advantages of noise-free operation, smooth operation, no mechanical wear and tear, long service life and high cost. Sluice)

5. Prison-specific high-speed switch movement: This movement is on the basis of full-active silent switch, the latest ARM control skills, the selection of 15 degrees anti-reversal organization, can complete the rapid, safe and stable operation. Due to the common nature of the prison profession, the requirement for full height switching is particularly high, which needs to deal with the problems of one person authorization, multi-person traffic, or forward authorization, reverse forcible traffic and so on. Advantages: no noise during operation, smooth operation, no mechanical wear, long service life, 15 degrees anti-inversion, anti-forcible reverse intrusion function. Defects: High cost; (Typical use: 90 degree single channel full height switch, 90 degree double channel or multi-channel full height switch)


- 每个人口通道和每个操控方向均有计数设备,能够重置或许没有,电子或机械的操控

- 带有红色制止和绿色通行箭头的显现窗。

- 显现经授权的用户经过通道的功用窗口。

- 为操作温度进步的加热体系能够到-20°C。

- 集成硬币和标识接收器。

- 不锈钢的基脚之间是封闭的。

- 着色的不锈钢外壳-标准外RAL色。







Optional parts of full height switch.

- Each population channel and each control direction has counting devices that can reset or not, electronic or mechanical controls

- display window with red stop and green access arrow.

- showing the authorized user's function window through the channel.

- heating system for operating temperature can reach -20 degree C.

- integrated coin and logo receiver.

The base of stainless steel is closed.

- colored stainless steel case - standard external RAL color.

Varieties of full height switch

According to the direction of traffic, it can be divided into one way full height switch and two way full height switch.

According to the prevailing method, it can be divided into: Electric full height switch, manual full height switch.

According to the style, it can be divided into double channel full height switch, single channel full height switch.

According to the passing mode, it can be divided into: mechanical electric full height switch, semi-active full height switch, and full active full height switch.

According to the braking method can be divided into semi-active brake full-high turning brake, full-active brake full-high turning brake (this type belongs to the type of advanced brake, main stream abroad)


现在全高转闸有了高速开展的引擎,安保成为每个国家,区域重要的投入,许多重要的场所需求做到无人值守全天侯的安保办法,像监狱、从事特殊职业作业的工厂、工地等场所就成了全高转闸十足的推动者,职业的迅速开展促生了一批又一批高速开展的企业,其中广州市志美智能科技有限公司就是其中一家职业抢先的全高转闸供给商。 同时人脸辨认技能,虹膜技能,掌纹辨认技能,指纹辨认技能,无线射频辨认技能,条码辨认技能等一些新技能的运用面的不断扩大,使全高转闸能快速结合与运用得到加快推广,职业开展至今已取得了令人瞩目的成果,每一次技能的革新都带来职业的又一次腾跃,一人一闸的办理理念,高效的办理模式不时在激厉着职业行进的步伐,愿人行全高通道转闸技能的明日越来越夸姣。

Development trend of full height switch

Now the high-speed switching engine, security has become an important input to every country and region, many important places need to be unattended all-weather security measures, such as prisons, factories engaged in special occupational operations, construction sites and other places have become full-height switching propellers, the rapid development of occupation. Promoted the birth of a number of high-speed enterprises, one of which Shenzhen Zhimei Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is one of the first professional high-speed switch suppliers. At the same time, face recognition skills, iris skills, palmprint recognition skills, fingerprint recognition skills, radio frequency identification skills, bar code identification skills and other new skills continue to expand the scope of application, so that high-speed switch can be quickly combined with the use of accelerated promotion, career development has achieved remarkable results, each Each skill innovation has brought about another leap in the profession. The concept of "one person, one switch" and the efficient management mode are constantly making great strides in the profession. We hope that the high-speed pedestrian switching skills will be more and more elaborate in the future.

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